Advice for the armed forces community

This advice applies to Scotland. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Wales

You're a member of the armed forces community if you're:

  • currently serving in the armed forces - either regular or reserve

  • a veteran who served in the armed forces - either regular or reserve

  • a member of the Merchant Navy who served on a commercial vessel in support of legally defined UK military operations

  • a dependant - for example, the partner or child of someone who's currently serving in the armed forces, a veteran or a member of the Merchant Navy.

Get advice

You can get free, impartial, confidential advice on a wide range of topics from Citizens Advice Scotland. Find out how to get advice.

Other organisations

There are several organisations that can offer advice and support to members of the armed forces community.


Poppyscotland provides help and support to the armed forces community in Scotland.

It can provide tailored help with:

  • grants and funding

  • advice

  • mobility

  • housing

  • mental health.

You can find out how to get help on the Poppyscotland website.

Legion Scotland 

Legion Scotland offers free and confidential advice and representation to any veteran or serving member of the armed forces to pursue their possible entitlement to a war disablement pension or a claim under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme. You don't have to be a member of Legion Scotland. 

You can find out how to get help on the Legion Scotland website.

Scottish government

There's information about support for the armed forces community on, including on:

Seafarers' Advice & Information Line (SAIL)

SAIL is a UK-wide Citizens Advice service dedicated to serving and veteran Royal Navy personnel and their families. They offer free benefits advice and support.

You can find out more on the SAIL website.

Unforgotten Forces

Veterans aged 60 or over and their families living in Scotland can access services and support from Unforgotten Forces, a partnership of armed forces and civilian charities.

Unforgotten Forces services for older veterans cover areas such as:

  • advice

  • access to healthcare

  • social isolation and respite

  • creative activities and events for those in care settings.

Find out more about Unforgotten Forces on the Age Scotland website.

SSAFA – the armed forces charity

SSAFA provides lifelong support to anyone who is serving in, or is a veteran of, the armed forces. It provides a wide range of practical and emotional support, including welfare advice, housing and healthcare support. SSAFA is an independent charity and not part of the military chain of command.

The SSAFA Forcesline is a free, confidential helpline and email service that can be contacted from anywhere in the world. Find out how to contact Forcesline on the SSAFA website.

RFEA - the armed forces employment charity

RFEA provides careers advice and job and training opportunities for service leavers and veterans. You can register with RFEA and they will contact you directly.

Combat Stress

Combat Stress is a UK charity for veterans' mental health. They help former servicemen and -women with mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Veterans UK

Veterans UK is part of the UK Ministry of Defence and is responsible for information about:

Veterans Assist   

Veterans Assist is part of Veterans Scotland. It collects into one place a wide range of information about the veterans community and veterans support organisations.

Veterans First Point

Veterans First Point is a free service to help veterans and their families adjust to civilian life. It's part of the NHS in Scotland and is run by veterans and clinicians. The help it can offer includes:

  • peer support workers - who can help veterans and their families adjust to civilian life

  • specialist mental health and well-being support - advice and treatment

  • drop-in centres across Scotland - for socialising, meeting other veterans and accessing general support and advice.

GOV.UK directory

GOV.UK has a directory of organisations that provide support to veterans of the UK armed forces and their families.

Find support for veterans and their families on GOV.UK.

Defence Medical Welfare Service

The Defence Medical Welfare Service is an independent charity that provides medical welfare to those who have operated, and continue to operate, on the front line.


Fares4Free supports veterans and their families throughout Scotland with transport to essential, recreational and therapeutic appointments that they otherwise would be unable to attend.