Rape and sexual assault
This advice applies to England. See advice for See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Scotland, See advice for Wales
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Find where you can get help if you're a victim of rape or another type of sexual assault.
The law defines rape as non-consensual penetration of someone’s vagina, anus or mouth by another person’s penis. Non-consensual means you didn't freely agree to have sexual intercourse. Someone can also be convicted for rape if they assist or help someone else to rape
Sexual assault is when someone intentionally touches you without your consent. It wouldn’t count as consent if:
you were subjected to violence or threats of violence
violence or threats of violence were made against someone else to force you to consent
you were asleep, unconscious, drugged or incapacitated by alcohol
your disability meant you were not able to communicate your lack of consent
We know it might be harder to get away from your home or stay somewhere else at the moment, or you might feel more anxious than usual. You can find out where to get help on GOV.UK.
Reporting rape or sexual assault
It may be a difficult decision for you to report the matter to the police and you may wish to get specialist advice before making a decision.
Check with your local police station to see if they have a specialist worker. Ask to speak to a specially trained Sexual Offences Liaison Officer (SOLO or SOIT).
If you're not ready to talk to the police
If you are unsure about what you want to do, you can go to a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC). At the SARC you can get advice, make a statement, have forensic samples taken, get medical support (including tests for sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy) without having to report the matter to the police.
The forensic evidence is stored at the SARC in case you want to report the rape to the police in the future.
If you want to go to a SARC, you should try to go as soon as you can so important evidence can be preserved.
You can also get help from an Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA) who can provide specialist advice and support.
You can find an ISVAs by speaking to your local Sexual Assault Referral Centre, or Rape Crisis Centre.
You can get more help from a Rape Crisis Center. They provide a safe and confidential environment for women and girls who are survivors of rape, child sexual abuse, sexual harassment or any form of sexual violence.
Some Rape Crisis Centres also provide support services for men and boys who have experienced sexual violence as a child or as an adult. Some can also offer support to male partners, friends and supporters of sexual violence survivors. You can call their helpline on 0808 802 9999 for details of a local centre.
Further information and help
The charity Rights of Women publish free information on areas of sexual violence law to support women through the criminal justice process.
You can also get help from one of many charities who provide help and advice to people who have experienced violence and abuse.
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Page last reviewed on 15 December 2020