Our analysis of the problems people are facing

People face far more problems than they should because policy fails them. No-one sees that more than we do: we help more people with more problems than anyone else. That gives us a unique insight into the challenges people are facing today.

We use our evidence and insights to show decision makers where things aren’t working and make the case for change - so we can live in a society where people face far fewer problems.

Our focus areas

Our network of independent charities provide expert advice on key issues. Our policy research combines unique insight on the problems people face, and analysis of wider social and economic trends, to set out new ideas to improve policy for everyone.

How we've made things better for people

We use our knowledge and evidence to campaign at the highest levels. Governments, regulators and companies have all made changes when we've shown them the evidence that policy can solve problems.

Since the pandemic, the government has adopted several of our recommendations, including extending the Universal Credit uplift and the suspension of the Minimum Income Floor for self employed workers.

Stories from the people we've helped

Millions of people come to us for help every year, each telling a story of systemic failure. Our clients are victims of poorly designed policies. Their stories drive our ambition to help every individual find a way forward, and also to fix the systemic problems which have led to them needing our advice in the first place.

Once we pay the bills and buy food there's nothing left. We're not sure what we are going to do as the prices are just going up for everything and we don't have any extra money coming in.


Read Sunthar's story

I can’t work anymore hours as I need to be home to take care of my grandkids. It’s got to the point where we’re borrowing money to get by as we just can’t afford to pay for everything. I’m really worried for the future.”


Read Michelle's story


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