Removal of the sanction of imprisonment for the non-payment of council tax / Dileu’r gosb o garchar am beidio â thalu treth gyngor
Citizens Advice fully supports the Government’s proposal to prohibit imprisonment as a punishment for failure to pay council tax. We agree with the Welsh Government that council tax debt is not a crime, and that the sanction of imprisonment is an outdated and disproportionate response to a civil debt issue. It is important that the debt collection system is more person centred, and isn’t designed around the needs of local authorities or the minority of people who refuse to pay. Instead support should be available to those who are unable to pay and local authorities should encourage debtors to seek debt advice and find a solution to their problem.
Mae Cyngor ar Bopeth yn llwyr gefnogi cynnig y Llywodraeth i wahardd carchariad fel cosb am beidio â thalu treth gyngorRydym yn cytuno â Llywodraeth Cymru nad yw dyled treth gyngor yn drosedd, a bod y gosb o garchar yn ymateb hen ffasiwn ac anghymesur i fater dyled sifil. Mae’n bwysig bod y system casglu dyledion yn canolbwyntio mwy ar yr unigolyn, ac nad yw’n cael ei chynllunio o amgylch anghenion awdurdodau lleol neu’r lleiafrif sy’n gwrthod talu. Yn hytrach, dylai cymorth fod ar gael i rai sy’n methu talu a dylai awdurdodau lleol annog rhai sydd mewn dyled i ofyn am gyngor a chwilio am ateb i’w problem.