Advice trends in Wales quarters 1 and 2 2015-16
Advice trends in Wales Q1 and Q2 2015-16 forms part of a series of regular updates from Citizens Advice Cymru that highlight the key issues being presented to the service by clients across Wales. It covers the first two quarters of 2015-16 (April to September 2015).
In addition to some of our headline statistics the main focus of this report is to provide a breakdown of the main areas on which people seek advice by client profile, looking specifically at four protected characteristics - age, disability, gender and ethnicity.
Between April and September 2015, the Citizens Advice service in Wales helped more than 60,000 people with over 202,000 problems, an 11% increase compared to the equivalent period in 2014-15. The Wales section of the Citizens Advice self-help website also had over 387,000 visitors during this time.
Mae’r ddogfen wybodaeth hon yn rhan o ddiweddariadau rheolaidd gan Gyngor ar Bopeth Cymru sy’n tynnu sylw at y prif broblemau y mae cleientiaid ledled Cymru yn gofyn am gymorth y gwasanaeth yn eu cylch. Mae’n cyfeirio at ddau chwarter cyntaf 2015-16 (Ebrill-Medi 2015).
Yn ogystal â rhai o’n prif ystadegau, prif ffocws yr adroddiad yw rhoi dadansoddiad o’r prif bynciau y mae pobl yn gofyn am gyngor arnynt yn ôl proffil cleientiaid, gan edrych yn benodol ar bedair nodwedd warchodedig – oedran, anabledd, rhywedd ac ethnigrwydd.
Rhwng mis Ebrill a mis Medi 2015, fe wnaeth Cyngor ar Bopeth Cymru helpu mwy na 60,000 o bobl gyda mwy na 202,000 o broblemau, cynnydd o 11% o gymharu â’r un cyfnod yn 2014-15. Mae adran Cymru o wefan hunangymorth Cyngor ar Bopeth wedi cael dros 387,000 o ymwelwyr yn y cyfnod hwn hefyd.