How much PIP you can get and for how long

This advice applies to Wales. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Scotland

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) makes the decision about how much PIP you get and for how long. It’s not possible to say exactly what you’ll get before you apply because the DWP bases the amount you get on your application, and the length of your award on the likelihood of your condition changing.

Changes to PIP rules from 2026

On 18 March 2025, the government announced changes to the rules for claiming PIP. These changes mean fewer people will get PIP.

Changes to PIP will not happen in 2025.

If you’re thinking of applying for PIP, you should. You’re more likely to get PIP if you apply before the rules change.

PIP rates

PIP is made up of 2 parts - called 'components'.

The ‘daily living component’ is for the extra help you need with everyday tasks. This can include preparing food, washing, getting dressed or communicating with other people.

The ‘mobility component’ is for the extra help you need getting around. This can include moving, planning a journey or following a route.

Each component can be paid at either a standard or enhanced rate. Find out how the DWP decides which rate of PIP you can get.

Component                                                Weekly rate

Daily living - standard rate

                  Weekly rate



Daily living - enhanced rate

                  Weekly rate



Mobility - standard rate

                  Weekly rate



Mobility - enhanced rate

                  Weekly rate


You won’t be charged tax on the PIP you get.

If you or any dependants who live with you get PIP, you won’t be affected by the Benefit Cap.

You can check what other money and help PIP entitles you to.

If you’ve reached State Pension age

There are extra rules about how much PIP you can get. Check the rules about getting PIP after State Pension age.

If you have a terminal illness

You will automatically get the enhanced rate of the daily living component. Whether you get the mobility component and at which rate will depend on the level of help you need with mobility.

How long you get PIP for

The DWP will give you PIP with no end date if either:

This is called an ‘indefinite award’. If you have an indefinite award the DWP will usually review it every 10 years.

If you don’t get an indefinite award, you’ll get PIP for a fixed amount of time – your decision letter will tell you for how long. If you’re terminally ill the award will be for 3 years. 

If you're awarded PIP for a fixed time of more than 2 years, the DWP will usually review your award before it ends. They’ll renew it if they decide you can still get PIP.

The DWP won’t usually review your award and will let it end if either:

  • you were awarded PIP for 2 years or less

  • you challenged the DWP’s decision and a tribunal awarded you PIP or increased how much you get

Reporting changes of circumstances

You should report any changes that could affect your PIP straight away. Don't wait for a review or the end of the award.

If you don’t report a change, you could get an overpayment which you have to pay back, or you might miss out on extra money if your condition has got worse.

Check which changes of circumstances you should report.

If the DWP will review your PIP award

The DWP usually review your PIP award about a year before it’s due to end - but they can choose to review the award at any time. 

The DWP will write to you and ask you to fill in a PIP review form, which is a bit like a shorter version of the PIP claim form. Check how to fill in the PIP review form.

If the DWP won’t review your award

If the DWP won’t review your award and you want to keep getting PIP after the fixed time, you’ll need to make a new claim.

It can take the DWP a long time to process a new claim so it’s a good idea to make your new claim before your old one ends. You can do this up to 6 months before your old one ends. This will also help prevent any break in your PIP payments while you wait for a decision on your new claim.

You can check how to make a new claim for PIP.

How often PIP is paid

PIP is paid every 4 weeks, but if you have a terminal illness it’s paid every week.

You can find out more about how benefits are paid and the type of accounts they can be paid into on GOV.UK. It includes what to do if you don’t have a bank account or can’t open one.

Challenging the amount or length of your PIP

If you don’t agree with a decision, you can challenge the PIP decision.

Challenging a decision

The DWP might look at your whole PIP claim again - they might decide you shouldn’t get PIP at all. Get help from an adviser if you think this could happen to you.

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Page last reviewed on 02 March 2022