Contact us

There are lots of ways to contact us if you can’t find the advice you need on this website.

If you’re applying for Universal Credit

If you’re making a new claim, you can contact our Help to Claim service for help with the claiming process - from making an application to getting your first payment. Get help applying for Universal Credit.

If you already get Universal Credit, stay on this page to find your nearest Citizens Advice or talk to us online or by phone.

If you have a problem with something you’ve bought or a service you've received

You can contact our consumer service if you have a consumer issue like broken or faulty goods, or problems with energy, water or post.

The consumer service can advise you and pass complaints to Trading Standards.

Find your nearest Citizens Advice

Enter your postcode or town to get contact details for your nearest Citizens Advice in England and Wales.

Most local Citizens Advice can only help you if you live or work in their area.

Talk to us online

Chat lets you talk to a trained adviser online. You can:

Call our national phone line

You can contact an adviser through our national phone service:

Advicelink (Wales): 0800 702 2020

Adviceline (England): 0800 144 8848

Relay UK - if you can't hear or speak on the phone, you can type what you want to say: 18001 then 0800 702 2020

You can use Relay UK with an app or a textphone. There’s no extra charge to use it. Find out how to use Relay UK on the Relay UK website.

Advicelink is available 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. It’s usually busiest at the beginning and end of the day. It's not available on public holidays.

We’ll answer as soon as we can - at busy times you might need to wait up to an hour. If the wait is long, we’ll tell you about other ways to get advice. You can also try calling again later. If we can’t answer your call within an hour, the call will be disconnected.

Calls to Advicelink are free from mobiles and landlines. You can find out more about our call charges.

Give feedback or make a complaint

You can give feedback or make a complaint about our advice or how you’ve been treated when you contacted us or visited your local Citizens Advice.

Check our privacy policy

Find out how we store and use your personal information when you contact us.

Check our behaviour policy

Our staff have the right to do their jobs without being treated badly - find out how we deal with unacceptable behaviour.