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Citizens Advice Scotland
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Citizens Advice Scotland
Sign in
Check your employment status
Check the terms of your employment contract
Check if your employer can make changes to your contract
If your employer hasn’t paid you what they owe you
Getting paid less than minimum wage or living wage
Getting paid when you leave a job
Getting paid if your employer goes out of business or disappears
Check what tips and service charges you're entitled to
Sick pay
Check if you can get sick pay
How to get sick pay
If your employer refuses to pay you sick pay
Getting money after your sick pay runs out
Getting sick pay when you're pregnant
Working hours and rest breaks
Check if you're working more than the 48-hour limit
If you're working too many hours
Taking rest breaks at work
Working on bank holidays
Your rights at work if you're under 18
Check if you have to work on Sundays
Time off work
Check if you can take time off work
Coronavirus - if you need to be off work to care for someone
Holidays and holiday pay
Check if you're entitled to paid holidays
Taking your paid holiday
If you can't take your holiday because you're ill
Check you've got the right amount of holiday pay
Working on bank holidays
Maternity and parental rights
Check your maternity and parental rights
Negotiating with your employer
Talking to your employer about a problem
Using early conciliation
Making a settlement agreement with your employer
Grievance meetings
Dealing with grievances at work
Letter to raise a grievance at work
Complaint about a problem at work – grievance letter checklist
Disciplinary meetings
Dealing with disciplinary action at work
Preparing for a disciplinary or dismissal meeting
If you have to go to a disciplinary meeting
Who can accompany you to a disciplinary meeting
Appealing against a disciplinary decision
Check your rights if you're dismissed
Check your rights if you're made redundant
Resigning from your job
Check your notice period when resigning
If your employer says you've resigned
After leaving your job
Getting a job reference
Getting paid when you leave a job
If your employer says you owe them money
If your employer says you can't work for a competitor
Solving property disputes when you leave a job
Employment tribunals
Taking your employer to a tribunal
Discrimination at work
Dealing with discrimination at work
Agency workers
Check if you're an agency worker
Check your rights as an agency worker
Check if your agency is paying you the right amount
Check your parental rights as an agency worker
If your agency stops giving you work or treats you unfairly
Flexible working
Applying for flexible working
If your employer refuses your flexible working request
Right to work in the UK
Check if you have the right to work in the UK
Proving your right to work in the UK
Safety at work
Coronavirus - if you're worried about working
If you’re injured because of an accident at work
Your rights at work if you're under 18
If you’re treated badly after using your employment rights
Disclosure and the PVG scheme
Disclosure and declaring a criminal record
The Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme
Armed forces
Advice for the armed forces community
Getting a job
If your job offer is withdrawn
Help with employability in Scotland
Get help
Get help with a problem at work
What to bring to a bureau