Child abuse: useful organisations

This advice applies to Scotland. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Wales

Organisations for children and young people


ChildLine has a free, 24-hour telephone helpline for children and young people up to the age of 19 who feel they are in trouble or danger. All calls are treated confidentially, but if a child or young person discloses information which suggests a danger or threat to life, ChildLine will contact a social work department or the police. The child or young person will be informed that confidentiality has been broken and given the reasons why this has happened.

Callers may need to ring a number of times before getting through. The child or young person can also email or chat online to a counsellor using ChildLine's 1-2-1 messaging service once they have registered on the website. The contact details are:

ChildLine (Scotland)

NSPCC Scotland

Templeton House

62 Templeton Street


G40 1DA

Tel: 0141 420 3816

ChildLine: 0800 1111



Children 1st

Children 1st offers a range of services for children, young people and their families who have been affected by physical, sexual or emotional abuse. There is a network of local support groups across the country. More information about these groups can be found on the Children 1st website.

Children 1st

83 Whitehouse Loan



Tel: 0131 446 2300


Children 1st Parentline: 08000 28 22 33



Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)

You can report concerns about online abuse of a child or young person on the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) website. CEOP also runs the Thinkuknow website, which gives advice to children, parents, carers and teachers about internet safety for children. 

The Scottish Child Law Centre

The Scottish Child Law Centre provides free legal help and advice about the law and children's rights to children, young people, parents, carers and professionals. The contact details are:

Scottish Child Law Centre

91 George Street




Legal advice email: 


Clan Childlaw

Clan Childlaw provides free legal information by telephone, email and text, on all aspects of Scots law relating to children and young people. This service is available to children and young people throughout Scotland, and professionals working with children and young people.

Clan Childlaw also provides free legal advice and representation for children and young people in Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian, West Lothian, and Glasgow and the surrounding areas. The term 'surrounding areas' is not limited by local authority boundaries or post codes, but by whether travel out is feasible from Clan Childlaw offices in Edinburgh and Glasgow. Clan Childlaw will confirm the availability of the service for a geographical area on request. They represent children and young people up to the age of 18, and up to the age of 21 if they are or have been a looked after child. 

Clan Childlaw Edinburgh

Norton Park

57 Albion Road



Tel: 0808 129 0522 (freephone) 

Text: 07527 566682 (texts will be charged at the normal network rate)


Website: contact form


Clan Childlaw Glasgow

Wellpark Enterprise Centre

120 Sydney Street


G31 1JF

Tel: 0808 129 0522 (freephone)

Text: 07527 566682 (texts will be charged at the normal network rate)


Website: contact form 


Organisations for parents

ParentLine Scotland

ParentLine Scotland is run by Children 1st and provides information and support to anyone in a parenting role. The helpline is staffed by trained volunteers. The contact details are:

ParentLine Scotland

Helpline: 0800 028 2233 (Mon-Fri 9.00am-9.00pm)



General organisations

Rape Crisis Scotland

Rape Crisis Scotland provides free and confidential support and information by phone and at rape crisis centres for anyone affected by sexual violence. There is also a network of local groups which offer face-to-face support.

Rape Crisis Scotland

3rd Floor

Abbey House

10 Bothwell Street


G2 6LU

Tel (General Enquiries): 0141 331 4180 (Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm)

Free Helpline: 08088 01 03 02 (every day 6pm to midnight)

Minicom: 0141 353 3091

For support by email:

General email:



The NSPCC helpline provides advice and information to adults concerned about a child. The helpline is available 24 hours a day every day and NSPCC counsellors can provide callers with support and also take action on their behalf. There is also an online form to report concerns about a child. The contact details are:

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)

42 Curtain Road



Helpline: 0808 800 5000

Textphone: 18001 0808 800 5000

Text messages: 88858

Email: or online form to report concerns about a child


The Scottish government set up the website to tackle child sexual exploitation. It provides information and advice for young people and for parents about how to spot the warning signs and symptoms, common myths and practical advice for staying safe online and offline.

Organisations for adults who experienced childhood abuse

A range of organisations can support survivors of abuse living in Scotland.

Future Pathways

Future Pathways has been set up to allow survivors of in-care abuse in Scotland to access services that they need. Each individual survivor can access the services most appropriate to them. This could include counselling and psychological support, access to records, and services to support work, training and educational needs.

Future Pathways is funded by the Scottish Government and run by a group of organisations, including the Mental Health Foundation, Health in Mind, Penumbra and Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership.

Future Pathways

Survivor Telephone: 0808 164 2005 (Monday to Friday 10.00am to 6.00pm)



Health in Mind

Health in Mind offers pathways to support services for mental health problems including trauma from childhood sexual abuse. Find out more on the Health in Mind website.

National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC)

The National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC) is an organisation which can provide advice to an adult who has been abused in childhood. It can refer a survivor to local counselling, support and help groups, and also has its own support line.

National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC)

Support line: 0808 801 0331

Monday to Thursday 10am to 9pm, Friday 10am to 6pm

Calls are free from landlines and mobiles. They will not show on a phone bill.

Email: online contact form 


Scottish child abuse inquiry

The Scottish child abuse inquiry is investigating the abuse of children in care in Scotland before December 2014. It will publish its findings and make recommendations for changes in law and practice.

If you want to give evidence to the inquiry, you can contact the witness support team who can answer questions and help support you.  Find out more on the Scottish child abuse inquiry website

Scottish government redress scheme

The Scottish government has set up a scheme to provide financial redress to survivors of child abuse in care in Scotland before December 2004. They have specially trained staff who can answer questions about the scheme and how to apply. They can also help with practical things like collecting evidence and also with emotional support. Find out more about the redress scheme on

Speak Out Scotland

Speak Out Scotland provides a support service for male survivors of childhood sexual abuse in Glasgow and the surrounding area. The service is closed to men who have a history of sexual offending. They can offer face-to-face (and occasionally telephone) counselling.

Speak Out Scotland (S.O.S.)

Suite 1/2

15 North Claremont Street


G3 7NR

Tel: 0141 332 9326



Stop It Now! UK & Ireland

Stop It Now! Scotland offers a wide range of services to the public and professionals aimed both at the prevention of child sexual abuse and support for those affected. Their Scotland office can be contacted on 0131 556 3535 during office hours and by email at

Stop It Now! UK & Ireland

Helpline: 0808 100 0900 (freephone)

Helpline email:



SurvivorsUK provide information, support and counselling for male victims/survivors of rape and sexual abuse, as well as their family and friends.


11 Sovereign Close



Text-based helpline: 020 3322 1860 (Monday to Friday from 10.30am to 9pm; Saturday and Sunday 10am to 6pm)

WhatsApp-based helpline: 07491 816064

Office tel: 020 3598 3898 (Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 5pm)



Victim Support Scotland

Victim Support Scotland provides support and information services to victims and witnesses of crime in Scotland.

Victim Support Scotland

15/23 Hardwell Close



Tel: 0131 668 4486

Scottish Helpline: 0800 160 1985 (Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm)

UK Supportline: 0808 168 9111 (Weeknights 8pm to 8am; Weekends Saturday 5pm to Monday 8am)



Wellbeing Scotland

Wellbeing Scotland is a voluntary organisation with services across Scotland, providing a range of holistic services for individuals (both children and adults) and families whose life experiences have impacted negatively on their wellbeing. These include therapeutic services specialising in abuse and trauma work.

Wellbeing Scotland

14 Bank Street


FK10 1HP

Helpline: 0800 121 6027 (Monday to Friday 9.00am to 11.00am)

Office tel: 01324 630 100


Website: contact form
