Help with travel costs for younger people

This advice applies to Scotland. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Wales

Free bus travel if you’re under 22

You can get free bus travel if you:

  • are under 22 years old

  • live in Scotland

  • have a national entitlement card (NEC), or a Young Scot national entitlement card (Young Scot NEC).

If you already have an NEC or Young Scot NEC, you’ll need a new or replacement card that works on buses.

Find out how to apply for a card for free bus travel on the Transport Scotland website.

You can travel anywhere in Scotland, but you won't be able to use the card on some services like premium-fare night buses and city sightseeing buses.

Free bus travel if you're disabled

You can apply for a card to get free bus travel for young people under 22. This might be a good option if you do not need a companion because you won’t need to renew your card when your proof that you’re disabled expires.

If you need a companion to travel with you, it might be better to apply for a bus pass on the grounds of disability. You’ll need to:

  • show proof that you’re disabled and need a companion

  • renew your card when your evidence expires.

You can apply for free companion travel when you apply for your bus pass. 

Find out how to get free bus travel if you're disabled and need a companion

Cheaper train and ferry travel 

You can get cheaper travel on trains and ferries in Scotland if you're:

  • aged 16 to 18, or

  • under 26 years and volunteering 30 hours or more a week.

You must have a Young Scot national entitlement card to use the scheme.

For example, you can get discounted travel including:

  • a third off most train fares, the Glasgow subway is not included. You’ll need a Scottish Youth Rail Card and you’ll have to renew it every 12 months

  • 2 free return ferry journeys to the mainland of Scotland if you live on Scottish islands. Any inter island ferries are also included in the concession.

You can find more information about concessions for train and ferry travel on the Transport Scotland website.

Train and ferry travel if you're disabled 

You might be able to get cheaper train and ferry travel for you and a companion. Check if you can get cheaper train and ferry travel if you're disabled.

How to apply for a national entitlement card

You can apply for a national entitlement card or Young Scot national entitlement card online through

If you can't apply online or need help, you can find out how to contact your local council on the Young Scot website.

You can find more information about the Young Scot national entitlement card on the Transport Scotland website.

Free travel to school

Some young people might be able to get help with the costs of travelling to school or it might be free.

Find out more about help with school costs

Help with the travel costs of starting a job

You might be able to get a Job Start Payment to help with the costs of starting a job, including travel, if you're:

  • 16 to 24 years old, or a care leaver aged 16 to 25

  • getting certain benefits.

Find out more about Job Start Payment.

Air fare discount for students

If you're a student and live in Colonsay, Orkney, Shetland, the Western Isles, Islay, Jura, Caithness or North West Sutherland you might be entitled to reduced air fares on certain routes. The Scottish government Air Discount Scheme gives a discount of 40% on the air fare on certain routes.

Find more information about which students are eligible and how to register to use the scheme on the Air Discount Scheme website.

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