Letter to confirm the DWP has given you more time to send your PIP claim form
This advice applies to Scotland. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Wales
Changes to PIP in Scotland
A new benefit called Adult Disability Payment has replaced Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in Scotland.
If you already get PIP
You should have been told that your benefit is moving over to Adult Disability Payment.
If you get PIP and have not received a letter about your transfer, you should contact Social Security Scotland. You can phone 0800 182 2222 or use the webchat on mygov.scot.
If you tell the DWP about a change in circumstances while you get PIP, you'll be moved over to Adult Disability Payment. Social Security Scotland will contact you about this.
Find out more about changes to PIP on mygov.scot.
If you do not already get PIP
You can apply for Adult Disability Payment.
Find out more about Adult Disability Payment.
Use this template letter to confirm the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has extended the deadline for you to return your PIP claim form. You need to phone and ask for an extension before you send this letter.
When you've completed the letter, print it out and send it by post to the address on the letter that came with your claim form. If you can't find this, call the PIP claims helpline to find out the address.
Personal Independence Payment claim line
Telephone: 0800 917 2222
Textphone: 0800 917 7777
Relay UK - if you can't hear or speak on the phone, you can type what you want to say: 18001 then 0800 917 2222
You can use Relay UK with an app or a textphone. There’s no extra charge to use it. Find out how to use Relay UK on the Relay UK website.
Video relay - if you use British Sign Language (BSL).
You can find out how to use video relay on YouTube.
Calling from abroad: +44 191 218 7766
Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm
Calls are free from mobiles and landlines.
If you haven't got a printer, your local Citizens Advice or public library should be able to help you, but you might have to pay a small charge.
Sam Hoolin
8 Park Avenue
26 March 2025
Reference number: 89328-23
To whom it may concern,
Re: PIP claim for Sam Hoolin - National Insurance number: FR 45 76 67 A
Following my phone call on 2 November 2022, I am writing to confirm that you’ve agreed to extend the deadline to return my PIP2 claim form. I asked for this extension because:
I need more time because I need help from my local Citizens Advice to complete the form.
The original deadline was 6 November 2022. I understand that I have been given an extension and the new deadline for returning my form is 4 December 2022.
Please could you write to me to confirm this is correct.
Yours faithfully,
Sam Hoolin