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Citizens Advice Scotland
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Universal Credit
Universal Credit
Before you apply for Universal Credit
What Universal Credit is
Check if you can get Universal Credit
How Universal Credit is paid
Moving from other benefits
Check if you should move to Universal Credit from other benefits
Moving to Universal Credit if you've got a migration notice
Claiming Universal Credit
Contact us about a Universal Credit application
Starting your Universal Credit claim
Applying for Universal Credit
Reapply for Universal Credit
Going to your Universal Credit interview
Get an advance payment of Universal Credit
If you're sick or disabled
Getting Universal Credit if you’re sick or disabled
Get ready to fill in the work capability form for Universal Credit
Start the work capability form for Universal Credit
Fill in the work capability form: how your conditions affect you
Finish and send the work capability form for Universal Credit
Going to your Universal Credit medical assessment
What you'll need to do on Universal Credit
Check if a change affects your Universal Credit
Changing your claimant commitment
Check you’re in the right Universal Credit work-related activity group
Getting a job or pay increase while on Universal Credit
While you're on Universal Credit
Check how much Universal Credit you'll get
How Universal Credit payments work if you're self-employed
Reporting self-employed earnings
Help with debt and rent arrears on Universal Credit
Getting a Universal Credit budgeting advance
Change how your Universal Credit is paid in Scotland
Problems with your payment
Challenging a Universal Credit decision - mandatory reconsideration
Appealing against a Universal Credit decision at a tribunal
If your Universal Credit is stopped or reduced
If you've been sanctioned
What to do if you've been sanctioned while on Universal Credit
Get a hardship payment if you've been sanctioned
Arguments for challenging a sanction
Check you've been given the right sanction