An end to unfair evictions?

An end to unfair evictions? 860 KB

After four years the renters reform bill has finally been released and its headline commitment is to abolish section 21 ”no fault” evictions.

If it’s done right, this vital reform could level the playing field in the private rented sector. But, there are three critical loopholes we’re worried could undermine its aims: 

  1. New “no fault” grounds that allow landlords to evict tenants if they want to sell the property or move family in, without requiring them to provide any evidence 

  2. Landlord’s being able to evict tenants using the new “no fault” grounds after just 6 months in into the tenancy

  3. Unreasonable in-tenancy rent increases forcing tenants to move out

The government must introduce a strong framework of protections and dis-incentives to prevent the new system from being abused. If it doesn’t, it will have broken its promise to protect renters from unfair evictions. 


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