Holistic Cancer Care Trainer and Quality Improvement Lead
Gwneud cais cyn 11.59yh ar 02 Mawrth 2025.
Crynodeb o'r swydd
- Cyflog
- £35,392
- Lleoliad
- Norwich
- Gweithle
- Yn y swyddfa
- Cytundeb
- Cytundeb cyfnod penodol
- Oriau gwaith
- 37
Sut i wneud cais
Gallwch gysylltu am ragor o wybodaeth a sut i wneud cais.
Cynhelir cyfweliadau ar 18 Mawrth 2025.
Am y rôl
Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System is dedicated to enhancing cancer services for our patients and communities, striving for excellence in diagnostics, treatment accessibility, and overall clinical and non-clinical outcomes with a focus on sustained improvement in meeting national Cancer Waiting Times standards and improving cancer patient experience.
You will be embedded within the Norfolk Citizens Advice Bureau, operating under an honorary contract with the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB) Cancer Management team. You will lead in supporting strategic developments and projects, overseeing associated plans, and serving as a primary liaison for the ICB, Primary Care and Secondary Care services to promote the integration of cancer pathways between providers.
Rydym yn Hyderus o ran Anabledd
Mae Hyderus o ran Anabledd yn gynllun gan y llywodraeth sy'n cefnogi cyflogwyr i wella'r ffordd y maent yn recriwtio, cadw a datblygu pobl anabl.