Rydym yn defnyddio cwcis i wella eich profiad o'n gwefan.
Gallwch ddarganfod mwy neu ddileu allan o rai cwcis
- mae'r polisïau hyn ar gael yn Saesneg.
Neidio i’r llywio
Neidio i’r prif gynnwys
Neidio i’r troedyn
Dyled ac arian
Gyfraith a Llysoedd
Amdanom ni
Cydfyw, priodas a phartneriaeth sifil
Getting married
Living together and marriage - legal differences
Registering a civil partnership
Living together and civil partnership - legal differences
Sut i wahanu
Deciding what to do when you separate
Using mediation to help you separate
Ways to end your marriage or civil partnership
Getting a divorce or ending your civil partnership
Rhoi trefn ar arian pan fyddwch yn gwahanu
Trefnu cymorth ariannol ar ôl i chi wahanu
Help with legal fees when you separate
Benefits and help with council tax when you separate
Dividing up money and belongings when you separate
Gwneud cytundebau am eich plant pan fyddwch yn gwahanu
Making child arrangements
Your child arrangements aren't working
Mae eich cyn-bartner yn cymryd eich plant heb ganiatâd
Rhoi trefn ar eich cartref pan fyddwch yn gwahanu
What happens to your home when you separate
If your ex-partner is trying to make you leave
If your ex-partner has left your home
Transferring property for the benefit of children
Marwolaeth ac ewyllysiau
What to do after a death
Dealing with the financial affairs of someone who has died
Trefnu angladd
Complaining about a funeral
Making a will
Who can inherit if there's no will
What to do if someone dies abroad
Gender violence
Domestic abuse
Rape and sexual assault
Domestic violence and abuse - getting help
Female genital mutilation (FGM)
Children, young people and parenting
Child maintenance
Protecting children
Local council support for children and families
Children's Commissioner for Wales
Young people and family
Looking after people
Carers: help and support
Cwynion am Wasanaethau Cymdeithasol
Direct payments
Managing affairs for someone else
Overview of discrimination in education
Disability discrimination in schools
Sorting out school problems
Help with school costs
Taking action about discrimination in education