Feedback and complaints
You can make a complaint if you’re not happy:
with the advice you’ve been given
about how you’ve been treated
because you’ve had difficulty getting in contact
Please say if you need any extra support when we contact you - for example, larger font size.
Find out how we deal with your complaints.
How to complain
You can complain in different ways - depending on what it’s about.
You can complain to us or to the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC).
You should complain to the OISC within 12 months of getting the advice if you can.
Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC)
5th Floor
21 Bloomsbury Street
Tel: 0345 000 0046
Fax: 020 7211 1553
Your call is likely to be free of charge if you have a phone deal that includes free calls to landlines - find out more about calling 0345 numbers.
You can:
complain to us
ask a solicitor or an independent legal adviser to check if you have a legal claim against us
If you make a legal claim, we can’t deal with a complaint about the same issue until the claim is finished.
We know it can sometimes be difficult to get through to someone when you call Adviceline. We’re doing everything we can to make waiting times shorter.
We recommend you call again at a different time, or try contacting us in a different way.
If you want to complain about your local Citizens Advice, you can contact them and say you want to complain.
For all types of complaints, you can complain to our Client Services team by phone, email or using the online form. If you’re complaining about your local Citizens Advice, we’ll send the complaint to them to deal with.
Citizens Advice Client Services team
Telephone: 03000 231 900
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Your call is likely to be free of charge if you have a phone deal that includes free calls to landlines - find out more about calling 030 numbers.
Send us your complaint
Only use this form to send us complaints – we can’t reply if you ask for advice.
Check our privacy policy
Find out how we store and use your personal information when you make a complaint.
Check our behaviour policy
Our staff have the right to do their jobs without being treated badly - find out how we deal with unacceptable behaviour.